
Archive for May, 2013

Make the right choice, take action on that choice, keep your thinking sound and persist, persist, persist.

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“All of us are watchers – of television, of time clocks, of traffic on the freeway – but few are observers. Everyone is looking, not many are seeing.”
Peter M. Leschak

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Here is an amazing article I came across today. Certainly made me sit up and think. It’s nothing new. We already know these things, but how easily do we forget them or become complacent? Worded brilliantly.
Very powerful.
I hope you enjoy it. šŸ˜Š

Of all the wisdom I have gained, the most important is the knowledge that time and health are two precious assets that we rarely recognize or appreciate until they have been depleted. As with health, time is the raw material of life. You can use it wisely, waste it or even kill it.

To accomplish all we are capable of, we would need a hundred lifetimes. If we had forever in our mortal lives, there would be no need to set goals, plan effectively or set priorities. We could squander our time and perhaps still manage to accomplish something, if only by chance. Yet in reality, weā€™re given only this one life span on earth to do our earthly best.

Each human being now living has exactly 168 hours per week. Scientists canā€™t invent new minutes, and even the super-rich canā€™t buy more hours. Queen Elizabeth I of England, the richest, most powerful woman on earth of her era, whispered these final words on her deathbed: ā€œAll my possessions for a moment of time!ā€

We worry about things we want to do, but canā€™t, instead of doing the things we can do, but donā€™t. How often have you said to yourself, ā€œWhere did the day go? I accomplished nothing,ā€ or ā€œI canā€™t even remember what I did yesterday.ā€ That time is gone, and you never get it back.

To live a rich, balanced life we need to be more in conscious control of our habits and lifestyles. Actualized individuals have a regular exercise routine. They pay attention to nutrition, with lean sources protein and fiber-based carbohydrates as their basic food choices. They relax through musical, cultural, artistic and family activities. They get sufficient sleep and rest to meet the next day renewed and invigorated.

In addition to blocking periods of time for recreation and vacations, they also schedule large, uninterrupted periods of work on their most important projects. Contrary to popular notions, most books, works of art, inventions and musical compositions are created during uninterrupted time frames, not by a few lines, strokes, or notes every so often. Every book or audio program I have written has been done with the discipline of 12 to 15 hours per day during a specific block of time.

Freedom from urgencyā€¦ thatā€™s what will allow us to live a rich and rewarding life. You may have thought your problem was ā€œtime starvation,ā€ when in truth, it was in the way you assigned priorities in your decision-making process. Have you allowed the urgent to crowd out the important?

Each day we will continue to encounter deadlines we must meet and ā€œfires,ā€ not necessarily of our own making, we must put out. Endless urgent details will always beg for attention, time and energy. What we seldom realize is that the really important things in our life donā€™t make such strict demands on us, and therefore we usually assign them a lower priority.

You see, itā€™s the easiest thing in the world to neglect the important and give in to the urgent. One of the greatest skills you can ever develop in your life is not only to tell the two apart, but to be able to assign the correct amount of time to each.

Beginning tomorrow, throughout the day, and every day thereafter, stop and ask yourself this question: ā€œIs what Iā€™m doing right now important to my health, well-being and mission in life, and for my loved ones?ā€ Your affirmative answer will free you forever from the tyranny of the urgent.

by Denis Waitley


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Combat Karate class at combat arts Scotland’s Dominion cinema gym. 6pm-7pm. Focus pad work for power striking, kata based sparring and combat drills.
Filipino Martial Arts 7pm-8.30pm. Single and double stick drills, disarms, takedowns, locks, knife defence, limb destruction and focus pad work.
See you there.

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A reminder to anyone that is coming to the dummy seminar this Sunday in the Dominion gym, please give Chris your money on Thursday if possible.
The seminar will cover the first 3 sections, fighting applications of those sections, plus the chi sau applications of those sections. The seminar runs from 10am-2pm. Cost is Ā£20 and is open to all.

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